Construction Contracts are used in all phases of the construction project. Commonly we see parties trying to use one contract they have for all circumstances. For instance, using a Custom Home Contract for a Spec Home situation. Those are two entirely different situations with entirely different concerns that must be addressed. Construction lawyers are experts at deciphering contracts and they will be able to help construction businesses review contracts that are being presented, assess strengths and weaknesses, locate any potential liabilities and advise as to any areas of possible future contention within the contract. Contract lawyers will also be able to advise the client as to what type of contract is best for the situation that is being contemplated.
Typically, we will review contracts and go over with the clients the areas with the most “red light” concerns. Those are the portions of the contract that are determined must be revised in order for the client to agree to the terms of the contract. We will then make a list of “yellow light” concerns. These are concerns that the client would like to have addressed but are not deal breakers. From there, KMDA will either draft a letter to the other party advising of the issues with the contract or will make proposed revisions to the contract and send them to the other party. These revisions will be discussed back and forth until an agreement is reached.
If you need someone to review a contract that you are negotiating OR if you would like to update your company contracts, feel free to give us a call at 972-434-8009. We will give you a complementary estimate on the cost to perform this work for you.